The Paralysis of Choice
a recent trip to several electronic stores for the purpose of
drooling over a possible high definition TV purchase, the HR
Doctor was confronted by half a dozen beautiful large screen
TV sets with amazing picture quality and an array of features
that would make a NASA engineer question her own knowledge of
Choice is a highly prized
commodity in the world. In America, we are so amazingly
fortunate that we have more choices than probably any society
in the world, or in history for that matter. I have choices
ranging from the mundane, such as what brand of cat food to
buy to prevent the HR cat, Nimbus, from shredding my body
parts, to more critical ones such as those affecting my health
care or my ability to retire with financial security and
Reading about elections in the
Ukraine, Iraq and in the Palestinian territories reminds me of
how important it is not to take for granted Ñ as we so often
do Ñ such choices as the right and the opportunity to
much choice, however, can lead to complacency and to what the
HR Doctor described in a previous article as "the seduction of
decision makers, we can be seduced when things are going so
well. Our comfort leads to complacency, which can lead to
inaction and arrogance. The seduction of comfort leads us to
fear the unknown and to let opportunities for great changes
pass us by. In part, this is derived from the fact that change
often makes us uncomfortable.
Conversely, if the fear of making
a choice paralyzes us, we will find, ultimately, far greater
discomfort and failure in our personal lives and in our lives
of public service.
choices of what brand and type of television to buy, or what
donut shop to visit, represent simple metaphors for the much
more important choices that we make. Choice is a concept to be
treasured. It is a concept to be fine tuned by gathering the
best available information and by creating a staff culture in
our government agencies where innovation and process
improvements are recognized and rewarded staff
too often, department heads, city and county managers and
elected officials dont want to "rock the boat." Its
sometimes easier, though not necessarily the right thing to
do, to put off considering a new innovation until after
retirement vesting or after the next election. If this is a
chronic problem in the way you make decision, then you might
as well substitute the phrase "after I die" for some of those
phrases mentioned above.
Chronic "putting-off" behavior
leads us down a path of linear thinking. Linear thinking means
making an assumption that tomorrow will be much like today or
yesterday, and planning for the future is based on the
This is a fundamental model we
use in incremental budgeting. We also use it in the design of
next years "totally redesigned" new car models. We use it in
decision making on how we want to fight wars or how we will
educate our children.
cure to the "deer in the headlights" decision paralysis is to
respond to policy making opportunities by asking why we are
continuing to do something in a certain way, and what if we
did it differently? How can we bring about a spectacular
improvement, not just a marginal improvement in productivity
or satisfaction? If you remain satisfied with the 1.65 percent
growth in the number of paperclips counted per employee per
month then you might as well pay the auditors salary and
crawl into a hole while you complete your retirement papers.
Your decision making has become what you hope your childrens
will not turn out to be.
excessive reliance on the incremental and on counting beans
represents an assault on and a stifling of the spirit of
innovation. As an observer of society and behavior for several
decades, the HR Doctors fear is that as a nation, and as
individuals, we are sacrificing innovation for comfort and for
what we regard as safety. That represents a trend which must
be fiercely resisted by every means available as along as
those means are not illegal, immoral or fattening.
the HR Doctor wishes you an enjoyable shopping experience in
the land of choice and spectacular results when you next
consider an innovative public policy decision!

Phil Rosenberg The HR