The H.R. Doctor Is In

Putting the "Pub" into Public
Im not going to show you the slides from my summer vacation!
What I am going to do in this article is share a few public
administration-related anecdotes from a delightful trip to
Scotland and Northern England in the company of newly retired
colleagues from county governments in the United
talked public administration, American and British politics,
kilts, haggis, football (or as Americans call it, soccer) and
cricket. Both my British friends and I tried to overcome the
fact that we are "Étwo peoples separated by a common
language," as George Bernard Shaw once said. However, in the
course of two weeks in Scotland and Northern England, there
were some public administration incidents that stood out as
bizarre, if not of value to the readers of HR Doctor
first appeared in the lead section of The Times of
London. Apparently, there is a law in the United Kingdom
similar to HIPAA that has the intended purpose of protecting
the privacy of people from such things as the disclosure of
medical information. The Times was lamenting a new
policy of the Church of England which now prohibits members of
the clergy from using the full names of parishioners for whom
they invite the congregation to pray.
fear is that when you announce from the pulpit, as has been
the custom for centuries, that Mr. John Smith, pardon me,
"Smythe" or Mrs. Jane Smythe, is ill and the congregation
should pray for the members recovery, the fear is that this
will lead to lawsuits by the hordes of plaintiffs lawyers.
Henceforth, God will be asked for intervention and healing
based only on last names. The Times lamented that this
was perhaps the greatest victory yet for the "compensation
Past HR Doctor articles have also
lamented the fact that we in the United States, as well as
elsewhere in the world, seem to live more in fear of the
acceptance of responsibility than in the pursuit of that
responsibility. We wish to be portrayed as victims, and we
have developed a culture of entitlement. Unfortunately, and
obviously, this phenomenon has not been limited by the vast
expanse of the Atlantic Ocean or by the prayers of the
faithful in church.
There was also a discussion of
the pending crisis of baby boomer retirement when a population
bubble brings the time closer for a huge part of the
population to receive pensions rather than salaries. The
discussion centered on how few Brits (as well as Yanks) have
done any proper financial planning. The lack of planning may
be deliberate when it comes to the spontaneity of a night out
with friends. However, if the subject is something more long
lasting like, "What kind of life will you lead when you are
unable to work anymore?" planning should replace the "chaos
theory" in our lives.
commentator noted that a person may have to work until age 86,
yes I said "86," in order to develop a nest egg suitable
enough to provide two-thirds of pre-retirement income. This
discussion is every bit as relevant to our lack of financial
planning and retirement education as it is to the situation
that many of my British friends will crash into as they look
toward their pensions.
final interesting issue the HR Doctor encountered concerned an
outdoor privy. Two of my friends, Keith and Marilyn Handley,
used a retirement lump sum payout to buy an 18th century
fishing cottage in the very picturesque resort community of
Robin Hoods Bay on the North Sea coast.
200Ð300 year old cottages in this community once housed the
people who made their living from the insatiable British
appetite for fish! However, it now houses vacationers from all
over the world who will rent a holiday cottage such as the
Handleys Burnharbour Cottage for a week or a weekend to
relax. These cottages were built before electricity and before
indoor plumbing. Some of them came with an outdoor
Although there is now indoor
plumbing and electricity, the Handleys found that their
ancient and venerable outhouse needed to be torn down to give
way to a more useful and less noxious function, such as a
breakfast patio. Here the fun began.
United Kingdom is also the home of many regulators and
land-use planners Ð sound familiar? The Handleys duly applied
for the necessary permits to tear down the privy and paid the
necessary fees for permit review. Even though the regulators
ultimately supported the application, others raised a stink
(if you pardon the expression) about how the outdoor privy was
a historical artifact to a bygone era and should not be
touched, it should be preserved and "saved."
This particular privy, by all
accounts, was not of any unique historical interest. For
example, I doubt that the Prince of Wales ever set foot (or,
for that matter, any other body part) into the privy. It was
simply an extremely old and extremely smelly mini-building
falling apart. The story of the Handleys privy and its
ultimate fate aroused great passion to the point where the
story was picked up by press from all over Britain and
saga of the privy ended successfully for the Handleys, even if
not too successfully for the privy. In fact, we had a lovely
breakfast on the brick patio. I even sat in a chair which
formally served another purpose when the privy stood. The
peculiar passions of a wonderful nation of gardeners, bird
watchers, walkers (i.e., wanderers) and artifact protectors
clashed in this example with government regulators.
got to take away very fond memories of Robin Hoods Bay
including the repeated blunt trauma injury of banging my head
into doorways made for people apparently under three feet tall
who inhabited these old fishing cottages hundreds of years
Traveling for fun or for personal
or professional development is greatly enhanced by the chance
to visit with colleagues in public administration in other
countries. It is an approach to travel that I cannot recommend
highly enough. So, if you are an engineer, a law enforcement
executive, health professional, financial executive, elected
official or any other person in public service in the United
States, when you pick a travel destination, take the
opportunity to write a letter in advance to your counterpart
in the jurisdiction you intend to visit. Suggest that you have
high tea together or just a drop in visit to say hello. You
can never tell where that effort on your part will lead and
how much fun you will have in ways you might never have
expected before.
Thanks to Keith and Marilyn
Handley, formerly of Bradford Council (and the British HR Dog,
Ben) and Alwyn and Margaret Rhea, formerly of Worcestershire
Council, the HR Doctor can now understand the scoring of a
cricket match as well as the proper way to eat the Scottish
"delicacy" of haggis. Thanks to them also, the HR Doctor was
reminded that its a small public administration world after
Travel safely, and enjoy the
 Phil Rosenberg The
HR Doctor